An ancient song emanates from the Heart of Gaia, calling to her Beloved children in a symphony of holy rapture and grounded mystery. All of life is dancing to its rhythm—a rhythm and way of being so many of us have forgotten.

But it is only a matter of time before the song flutters in your heart. Sometimes ever so softly, but there’s no mistaking it’s there. And it’s inviting you to immerse yourself in the Elemental Mysteries of the Living World.

It speaks to your longing to connect deeply with the spiritual forces living within and all around you, summoning you to your own holy quest of soul and self.

Yes, Dear One, once, long ago, the song of Gaia thrummed within us all. And now the time has come once again. Where many of us can no longer avoid this sacred calling.

Not to return to the past. But to remember. To awaken into your soul’s holy remembrance. Of Who You Are.

Because many of us came here to remember. To allow that holy remembrance to flow through us as a beacon of light and truth and living magic. The kind of magic that regenerates and heals. The kind of magic that ignites and inspires and catalyzes the world around you.

But we can only flow that pure light when we address the old, outdated patterns, and age-old imprints of past- and present-life wounds.

Whether you’re just starting out, or you’ve been “on the path” for a while, there are points of threshold on the spiritual journey. Points when we feel we are shifting, changing, or on the verge of a new level of consciousness.

It is during this stage of the journey that it is often wise to seek support. Someone who can witness you and hold space for you; who can reflect your own truth and light to you, so that you can navigate the challenges of the soul’s journey of remembrance.

 What happens is that the process of awakening our light acts as a time-release mechanism, signaling unresolved patterns and wounds housed within our energy body and chakras—often the lower four—to surface. These energies, whether originating from childhood, ancestral lineage, or past soul incarnation, are coming up to be loved into healed wholeness. 

And thank goodness they are! Because no matter how much you “awaken”, if you don’t resolve lower chakra issues, you will not have fertile soil for the new seeds of consciousness or your own mythic story to land and take root.

So it is at these sacred crossroads that I am here to meet you. To guide you on your path of Mythic Embodiment.

In co-creative partnership with the spirit allies and benevolent beings of New Avalon, I would love to support you in your sacred re-enchantment.

The Path of Mythic Embodiment begins in the Ancient Forest as we embark on a journey to the Enchanted Heart .  .  .

The Journey

Held within the sacred spirit container of New Avalon over a minimum 3-month period, each session and subsequent moon cycle is a healing embrace of flower and forest alchemy rooted in the love and support of the spirits of New Avalon.

During each session, we will identify imprints and patterns that are blocking your energy flows and keeping you stuck or spinning, while also tracing story threads and sacred clues being left like breadcrumbs by your own soul in cahoots with Spirit.

Imagine the most extraordinary treasure hunt of a lifetime, in search of sacred sites, keys unlocking secret doorways and faery portals. The only difference is that the journey all takes place WITHIN YOU!

The deeper we dive in this exploration, the more space is created for your soul’s light to be able to rise to the surface, what I call your mythic story or soul song. 

At some point, the journey becomes less about healing and more about remembering. Your soul determines the pace and depending on how much release needs to happen, this first phase can take 3-6 months or more. 

The spirit allies are a huge part of this whole experience as well. I co-weave these sessions with the benevolent spirits of New Avalon. Those spirits who are most aligned with your energy and soul path will aid by transmitting healing medicine codes and wisdom, not only during the sessions but throughout the subsequent months following each session.

The flower essence potion I co-create post-session will then help you integrate these energies and support your embodied remembrance while the practices and sacred “homework” you receive will ensure you’re a conscious participant in your own healing and empowerment. 

The alchemy of the space-holding and energy work, layered with transformative healing of the spirit container and the flower and forest medicine help you stabilize your energy field, allow your heart to open safely, and for layers of awakening to integrate and anchor.

As we clear the cobwebs of the path less traveled and trace the subtle breadcrumbs along the way, we hone our ability to hear our soul’s inner voice and work toward rekindling our pathways of communication and interconnectedness with Gaia’s sacred eco-system of which we are merely one part.

If you are feeling called by the Earth and your own soul to work with me during this initiatory phase of your journey, I would love to connect with you.

*my books are currently closed for new clients; please sign up for my email list to be among the first to know when enrollment reopens. 

The Enchanted Heart Journey is a minimum commitment of three months. Healing, remembrance, and mythic embodiment take time and are truly a journey. The slower we go, the more sustainable and lasting the changes are as they have time to land and anchor on all levels of your being.

What’s Included

  • 3 private sessions via Zoom each tailored to your soul’s energy and needs 
  • 3 customized flower essence potions mailed to you
  • rituals & practices to support your healing and integration
  • Session follow-up email includes: theme for this moon cycle +  full description of your essence potion naming the plant or other Earth kingdom spirits supporting you  + sacred tasks/homeplay for current cycle + session highlights
  • email support in between sessions
  • option to book Additional Support sessions or Astrology Readings for an additional fee in between main monthly sessions
  • sessions held safely within a Medicine Wheel co-created with the New Avalon spirits


$999 for three months

Schedule a Discovery Call

If you are feeling called by the Earth and your own soul to deepen on your path and are interested in working together during this initiatory phase of your journey, I would love to connect with you.

You can book a 45 minute complimentary call via Zoom to discuss your desires and needs with me. I will share further details about the structure, format and experience of the journey and answer any questions related to it. And we can see if working together would be a good fit for both of us.

Please know this is NOT a high-pressured sales call. It is an exploratory call providing further information and also a way to meet to see if we resonate with one another. That being said, this is also not a FREE session. Please do not expect a free consultation or any energy or spirit work to take place. If you’d like a no-commitment sample-size experience of this sacred work, please consider booking the introductory flower essence session for first-time clients only found on the 1:1 sessions page. 

*I am not accepting new clients right now; please sign up for my email list to be among the first to know when enrollment reopens.


Working with Diomira has been one of the most powerful, transformative, and empowering journeys I have ever been on. Looking back the deepest experience that I am most thankful for is not only a profound connection to Faerie and to the Earth, but also to the depths of my own being. She never “gave away” the answers (even when I wanted her to! 🙂 ) but taught me tools to journey into my own soul and discover the answers for myself. And she empowered me to believe in my own power, my gifts, and ability to do this – even without her! Now I can tell you my everyday life is truly filled to the brim with magic. It’s transformed my entire outer and inner life, and I feel such a sense of peace, interconnectedness, purpose, and excitement to be fully human and alive at this time on our planet.


Healing Mentorship client

To anyone considering journeying with Diomira…I full heartedly encourage you, dear one, to surrender to the divine guidance that has led you to Diomira. Trust and know that you will be held and supported by Diomira and the nature spirits to find a depth of wisdom, loving compassion and strength within you that will forever alter your life trajectory, allowing you to experience more of your wholeness and thus, a life with more embodied Joy.

The loving presence and sacred space that Diomira holds and my adoration for her and her work is truly beyond words. She shares her gift of guiding you and holding space in a manner that is so lovingly in honor of your sovereignty that it allows a true synergy of your Divine Self and unique human personality and gifts to merge. This is what you came for. Blessings Be.


participant of Scotland journey 2019

I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Diomira. She has assisted me in changing my perception of myself, which has resulted in more confidence, better relationships with my children and a newfound trust in the benevolence of life. With her patience and wisdom, Diomira led me to make my own discoveries and realizations, which allows me to continue to grow more independently in my work with the Faery Realm. I must also express my thankfulness to my friends and allies of the Faery realm as they add so much joy and enchantment to my life.

Robin Coiner

2 x retreat participant & mentorship client

Diomira has an uncanny ability to tune into the core of the issue you may not even be able to put into words, validate what you are feeling and then commune with the plant spirits to create a custom crafted remedy that will support your soul growth at this specific time. The best part is that the plants are working with you in such an easeful way – it’s unlike any other transformational work that I’ve done before. I feel so much more grounded, stable, secure and confident after working with several remedies. Thank you so much Diomira!

Meghan Gilroy

Flower Essence Journey

I love working with Diomira! She is a true joy to spend time with. She has such a passion for using her gifts to help her clients expand in their lives and into their potential. Diomira has an extensive knowledge of astrology, applying its wisdom to the larger picture of my soul’s purpose while also bringing it down to earth and how I can apply the energies in my life right now. She communicates it all with ease, clarity and joy, without needing to rely on confusing jargon. Not only a gifted astrologer, Diomira weaves together insights using her deep intuitive abilities, as well as her connection to the Spirit realm, to the ancestors and to the land. It’s unlike any other experience I’ve had with other mentors or healers. I leave every session with clarity and feeling joyful, connected, and focused on what’s next in my life. It’s a gift that I will continue to give myself.

Katrina B.

Astrology Oracle Session & Essence Journey Client

Somewhere between earth and water, star and stone, you can revel in the joy of coming home to self and soul.

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